Find resources to support you and your church in growing an awareness and understanding of the problem of poverty in the UK, and to help you reflect on how the Christian faith can shape our response.
On this page:
Guarantee Our Essentials resources
Encourage your church and community to add their voices to our campaign to guarantee our essentials. Use them at events, in church services, as part of Bible studies, or share them with your community.
- A Shared Voice film – a powerful video you can share with your church to introduce the campaign.
- Church information pack (PDF) – everything you need to get your church onboard.
- Church action poster (PDF) – a poster you can display to direct people to our action page.
- Campaign film – a video that explores the Essentials Guarantee in more detail.
- It Doesn’t Add Up activity (PDF) – print these receipt postcards for your session.
- It Doesn’t Add Up guide (PDF) – notes on how to run this activity.
- Community campaign boards (PDF) – spread the word and gather support.
- Presentation slides (PDF) – help explain the campaign to your community.
- Presentation slides with notes (PDF)
- Bible study (PDF) – reflect on justice, the Bible and the campaign.
- Sample sermons (Word) – talks for you to adapt for your church.
Study resources
Use these session plans for individual or group reflection to explore our work and vision. Find out how we can build a future where everyone can afford life’s essentials, and how this is guided and shaped by Christian values and practice.
- A Shared Journey (PDF) – stories and prayers from people with lived experience of hardship.
- A cup of tea - a film about the difference a compassionate conversation can make.
- Conversation starter cards – explore key issues around justice and poverty.
- Values course (PDF) – explore compassion, justice, dignity and community.
- Micah 6:8 church audit, by Jubilee+ (PDF) – reflect on where you are as a church with justice, compassion and community, and plan where you’d like to go next.
- Jubilee+ booklets – prayerfully take action in these three areas:
– Justice booklet (PDF)
– Compassion booklet (PDF)
– Community booklet (PDF)
Interactive game
'Tangle: knot our future’ was an interactive art installation and game co-designed with people who have experienced poverty and led by artist Chloe Osborne, which was first installed at Greenbelt Festival in 2024. The game draws on Trussell’s Hunger in the UK research and offers an engaging and interactive way to present the scale and complexity of food insecurity in the UK.
We’ve created a tabletop game pack, based on the installation, all you need is 1 x Kerplunk game set and to download and print the game pack PDFs here:
Seasonal resources
Resources to use at key points in the church calendar. They can help you explore our work, and how your church can support campaigning and your local food bank.
- Church Calendar (PDF) - 12 activities and events your church could host all year round.
- Church Calendar - Welsh language version (PDF)
- Advent calendar (PDF) - want to raise food for your local foodbank in the run up to Christmas? Here are a some ideas to get you started.
- Carol Service Kit (PDF) - plan a carol service where lighting candles together points to spreading kindness and more support for your local food bank.
- Carol Service Kit - Welsh language version (PDF)
- A cup of tea - a film about the difference a compassionate conversation can make.
- Trussell Tables (PDF) – ideas for collecting food for your food bank and including more of your community this Harvest.
Become a Church Ambassador
Trussell Church Ambassadors help us take action against hunger and poverty by inspiring people in their church to use their voice to call for change, to support their local food bank, and to build community with people who have lived experience of facing hardship.